All Nations Have a Right to Defend Themselves Against Invaders (Except Israel)

Do you remember, because you were alive at the time or because you have read about it, how Britain and America and Russia sent trucksful of food and medicine into Germany in the last months of the Second World War?

And how in the early years of the conflict, the RAF was always careful, in the name of proportionality, to drop only as many bombs on Germany in its nightly raids as Germany had dropped on Britain the night before?

And how civilian populations in Germany, Italy, and Japan were given warning of a coming raid and time to evacuate a targeted city?

And how Russian soldiers were punished for raping German women as they advanced on Berlin?

And how America refused to use nuclear bombs on Japan because Japan did not have a similar weapon?

No? Neither do I.

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Exactly. Or how no one called it “genocide” to kill Nazis who, it turns out, actually WERE committing genocide of the Jews?
Now we’re told that the Jews of Israel, in defending themselves against Muslims who are executing an openly declared campaign of genocide against the Jews - are the ones committing genocide.
The only “problem” with Israel and its “right to exist” is that it is surrounded by entire nations full of barbaric, Jew hating Nazis on steroids.

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