Alex Jones' Infowars Filed for Bankruptcy Protection


Why do you think it has come to this? Something wrong with the site? Not popular? If not, why not, do you think?

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He’s been sued for defamation (I believe) by parents of children killed at Sandy Hook, because he claimed it was a hoax. I think all the legal fees have bankrupted him.
He’s often right about things, but then he’ll go off the deep end into conspiracy theories like this.
He seems to be mentally unstable. I read a quote attributed to him once in which he confessed to suffering from paranoia. Seems to fit.


I suspected that sort of thing about him.

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Here’s the Viva & Barnes sidebar stream, skip to 1:42:40 talking about the bankruptcy protection.

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So it looks like these parents were manipulated against Jones by deceptively edited tapes.


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That smug little lawyer is worse than the Rittenhouse prosecutor. So is the judge.

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These quotations need explanation and Twitter is not a source of explanation.

Could you sum up what is happening for us, please, Yazmin?

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Perhaps this will explain it better.

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Thank you. This is clearly not a cause that is of any real political importance. The case is not very interesting. Alex Jones did something stupid and nasty. I don’t think the story deserves a lot of attention. Not mine, anyway.

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This subject is of no interest to me. To whom is it interesting?

Also, it is a repeat.

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I think it’s interesting at least to the extent of knowing how the outcome will affect freedom of speech.


The discomfort of the man questioning him is priceless: