A Woman's Work is Underdone

It seems likely that the Person Running the Country is Dr. Jill Biden.

Are we in capable hands? Is there a good brain thinking up policy, planning for the nation?

The pseudonymous writer Holly Mathnerd, wanting an answer to that question, read Jill Biden’s doctoral dissertation.

A brief discussion of what she found (extra to a much longer analysis) concludes with this:

"She really seems to think that community college students drop out because they need their community college instructors to do a better job of figuring out that they need glasses.

"It’s something of a trope that every female on the left thinks the job of government is to be everyone’s mother. Like most tropes, it has large elements of truth but quickly becomes a strawman when applied across the board.

“But damn if she doesn’t make the trope look reasonable!”

The whole article is an entertaining - though unsurprising - read.

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I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if Joe stepped down, as long as she got to take his place.
If she’s the “brains” of the outfit, what a joke!
(Great choice - Jill or Kamala - which would be worse?!)
She does prove the trope, as all the other leftists in government right now prove every other trope about leftists - the men are weasely, whiny, pencil-necked little man-children, and ALL of them are “worthless, lying sacks of sh#t”, as Rush used to say.

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