A Very Short True Story of the Second Childhood of Joe Biden the Most Powerful Man in the World

After the debate:

"Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question. You knew all the facts," Dr. Jill said.

Well done, little laddie! If you keep on like this you may grow up to be president of the United States one day.

Impossible to imagine Beautiful Melania saying to President Trump, “You did such a great job, you answered all the questions, you knew all the facts”, even though in his case it would be true.

These are the Days of Laughter.

Dies Risus

Tage der Schadenfreude

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Only last week, a concerted effort by major media outlets like NBC News and The New York Times was meant to convince voters that a video of Biden freezing up at the fundraiser and being led off the stage by former president Barack Obama was misinformation.
Talk about projection.
The White House also claimed videos of the president wandering off into a field during the G7 summit in Italy or struggling to sit down at a D-Day commemoration in France were “cheap fakes".
Unscrupulous media fact-checkers helped Democrats deceive the public by smearing a veneer of alleged journalistic credibility over this dangerous lie.
Thursday’s debate exposed them all.
In mere days, the entire left-wing punditsphere has gone from praising Biden’s uncanny mental acuteness to demanding Democrats start a conversation about replacing the president as the nominee.
They are shameless.
Democrats aren’t freaking out because they’ve just discovered Biden isn’t up for the job.
They are freaking out because everyone else has discovered it.
There is no going back.
Replacing Biden has always seemed somewhat farfetched.
It’s a logistical nightmare for Democrats.
Plus, there are so many built-in advantages to the incumbency.
But Biden’s performance changes the calculus for Democrats.
Or rather, the truth does.
It’s still a big lift, of course.
First, there is the question of convincing the president, who has a huge ego, to step aside — no small task.
Would Democrats really use the 25th Amendment and declare Biden unable to discharge his duties and powers of the president?
It seems unlikely.
The unintended political fallout could be devastating.
Then there is the matter of who takes over. …

For eavenssake Post readers, don’t clamor for Joe’s abdication! If he goes before January 20 2025 we get Kamala. No one wants Kamala.

I said Days of Laughter, not Days of Cackle!

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I still don’t understand why they didn’t see this coming, and try to prevent exposing him like this.
Surely they knew he couldn’t pull it off?
They must be counting on the fact that they still have “the greatest election fraud operation” going, and that Trump might be in prison by then…

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If that disgusting judge sends Trump to prison there could be a violent reaction among Trump supporters. I wonder if the dumb and evil Dems have taken that possibility - or, rather, that probability - into consideration.

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They probably figure that all the arrests and imprisonments after Jan.6 have had enough of a chilling effect on dissent to prevent that.

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