Far-left journalist and former MSNBC contributor Touré doesn’t appreciate the Right’s use of the word “woke” to describe those who disingenuously find systemic racism lurking behind every one of social ills. He took to Twitter on Wednesday to inform us:
“At this point woke is a slur. The way the right uses it is an undercover way of saying ‘those people’ or ‘non-white people’. It’s a polite way of saying the n-word but in this case the n-word includes Blacks, LGBTQ folks, and other marginalized groups.”
Naturally, he extends the n-word to include the LGBTQ community and “other marginalized groups.”
Here’s the best response to Touré’s misguided message:
Please just tell me what term I’m allowed to use for the sweeping social and political changes you demand. You don’t get to insist that no one talks about your political project and it’s weak and pathetic that you do. …
A quote from Thomas Sowell: “Historians of the future will have a hard time figuring out how so many organized groups of strident jackasses succeeded in leading us around by the nose and morally intimidating the majority into silence.”
To paraphrase a bible verse, we will know it is woke by its accomplishments…and none of them are good. Of course, that is just my opinion. I recognize obscenities when I see them…and art when I see that.
“At this point woke is a slur” - oh, kind of like, at this point, “ultra Maga” is a slur? And like how just being white makes you “racist”? Or how being on the Right automatically puts one on the “FAR Right”, and makes one a “right wing extremist”??
Yes, we know a little bit about slurs - we learned it from you, woketard!!