A Stink Badger in the Perfume Aisle

Two illegal aliens came to North Carolina from Chechnya, a Muslim “republic in southwestern Russia” (whatever that means).

"Posing as utility workers — but lacking any tools, ID, uniforms, or anything one can link to their supposed employer a shady AF company where no one picks up the phone — [they] were caught on the property of a U.S. Special Ops colonel. One was taking pictures of the officer’s kids … "

The colonel shot him dead.

“The other was, oddly, interviewed and allowed to leave [ie. was freed from police custody].”

The story, worth reading, is told by Kevin Downey Jr. here:

Downey says, “I smell a stink badger in the perfume aisle.”

With reason! He goes on:

“Local news media reported the shooting but the mainstream media didn’t say much. As if that isn’t suspicious enough, U.S. Special Ops soldiers around the nation have reportedly been the victims of suspicious surveillance of themselves and their families for the past few years. And yet the second Chechen was released after being interviewed.”

He brings in another story of apparent terrorist disruption:

"Let’s take this tinfoil hattery to another level: 18 months ago, two power substations in Carthage were damaged by gunfire, leaving tens of thousands of people without power.

"Despite video of a suspicious van and geofence location which pinged only 17 cell phones, no arrests have been made.

"A tipster led police to one man who hadn’t been charged but suggested a local group called either the Moore County Patriots — which is a kids’ basketball team — or the Moore County Citizens for Freedom, a group of roughly 1,200 North Carolinians dedicated to conservative values, had made plans to attack the substations but decided not to go take down their own source of power. I’m starting to smell a “fednapping” situation."

The FBI has become a sinister power, in practice no longer under government control. Its chief, Christopher Wray, seems to be implementing a policy (personal, though in harmony with the agenda of the Democratic Party) of making conservatives (the pro-law-and-order half of the population!) as widely feared as possible for plotting and implementing revolutionary terrorist insurrection.

But why would he co-operate with Chechens? Is he a Russian plant? Or a tool of Islam?

One thing is sure. The deeply corrupted FBI is the perfect powerhouse for him to use, to implement his dark intentions.

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Yes, since the traitors running our government have opened the border for thousands of terrorists to enter the country, what could go wrong?

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