A Sexist Dummy Insists on the Sexing of Dummies

The stark stupidity of the Left in general and Feminism in particular is perfectly illustrated by this hilarious example:

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) highlights the vital work that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is doing to ensure that “female dummies” are used in vehicle crash testing “to fight the gender inequity among crash victims”.

Watch the video:

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Is she a dummy because she is admitting that men and women are different? Or what?

Dummy size is important, and if the new female dummies are not being used in safety tests, they do need to get with it.

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As Jean points out, maybe we should have different size dummies. But calling it “gender inequity among crash victims”? That’s about like Buttegig calling transportation “racist” (for whatever reason).
Fine, improve testing methods. But must we tout it as some kind of victory for the cause of “gender equity”?
Why, yes!! Yes, we must! Because you get lots of extra rainbow colored Brownie points for that.

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What the speaker (who looks like what used to be called a woman) implies is this:
No male is smaller than any female. No male weighs less than any female. No female is the same size and weight as any man. Therefore safety equipment specifically for females must be tested, and car seats fitted with separate His and Hers security equipment.

And if that is done, the noble goal of “equity” will have been served.

Is she reasoning well?

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And what about the Transgenders? Do we need transgender dummies too?

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And child dummies? Of every age age from newborn to eighteen? And for each age, a range of weights?

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Don’t car crashes impact the black community more disastrously than the white community?

Shouldn’t there be a black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American dummy for every white dummy?

Shouldn’t sexism, ageism, racism and ableism be eliminated from the dummy community?

Shouldn’t diversity and inclusion as well as equity be forcibly introduced into the dummy community? Is there no such thing as unalienable dummy rights?

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Are women “more likely [than men] to get injured in car crashes” (a dubious claim), or is it that more women than men are likely to cause car crashes?

There must be a study somewhere that found the answer to that question.

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I agree with you there, Liz. I would suspect that she has been soaking in the Kool-Aid for so long that she has forgotten the word “equal.”


No, but females should be aware that the crash tests for safety don’t accommodate smaller framed people. There are crash tests for child safety seats and those are child framed dummies, including newborns.

The talk is about safety, not skin color, not clothing choice.

Smaller framed people are more likely to get injured and injured badly, because of their height in relation to the steering wheel…and air bag…and side impact placement…and leg length…and arm length.

Get this; the same people that set standards for car crash safety tests, designed the “Egg Carton” seating on school buses, which were touted as the best way to keep children safe…so that seat belts were not needed.

They used the age 12 crash test dummies. Then reality hit when they realized that many middle schoolers and most high schoolers did not have enough leg room in the egg carton seating. So…they moved the seats farther apart. Then they put 3 year olds in these same school buses, and told us they were perfectly safe “because of the egg carton” principle, which is a crock anyway. And, then they told parents that they MUST provide a proper car seat for infants and 3 year olds and six year olds…or they would be fined and shamed and who knows what else…but the school buses were perfectly safe. Take them right out of that 3-point belted safety seat and prop them up with nothing for a bus ride to school.

And, no…seat belts on school buses were dangerous. And so was discipline.

We really should just use our common sense in both cases. Children are not safe on school buses. Small framed people are not as safe in cars as large framed people. Obese people are going to fair worse than others. And little cars cannot survive against larger cars and trucks. The safety tests are done for a particular sized vehicle crashed into a same sized vehicle. And, the sleek new corvette is going to go under the four-wheeled drive pick-up if it can’t stop in time. And, don’t even think about going up against a semi. But…motorcycles are perfectly fine on highways…oh and now, bicycles!

Probably a plan to lower the population, because, you know…climate change.


Wow…sounds like Biden himself must have been in charge of that mess…


Best to give up using the roads for anything except walking!


No, just use common sense. Smaller vehicles don’t fare well against larger vehicles.

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There are two things that are glaringly obvious. One, the U.S. government can piss more money away than any institution on the planet and two, Pete Buttigieg is one of the most unqualified people ever at his job.
In one of the most ironic situations I can remember, you have a dummy lobbying for more dummies, with another dummy acting as his cheering session.
Yesterday, Buttigieg hauled his useless butt to another House appropriations subcommittee meeting to request $20 million dollars from Congress for female crash dummies.

Read it all:

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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is calling on the DOT to address a long-standing inequity by using more gay crash test dummies in their automobile crash safety tests.
“Today’s cars and trucks are designed for the safety of straight, white males,” said Buttigieg in a statement, “but they are murdering members of the LGBTQ+ community by the millions. This must end.”
Sources say Buttigieg has ordered several thousand gay dummies to be used in crash tests, as well as female dummies, trans dummies, and dummies of color. “Once we have full representation among our stock of dummies, we will be able to build cars that work for everyone!” he said.
At publishing time, engineers had confirmed they were having trouble making anything except male and female dummies since those are the only two kinds of physical bodies there are.


Maybe they could hire Dylan Mulvaney for the job of trans dummy - I’m sure they need those, too!


But his body type is about the same as a 12 year old male dummy, so it would be a redundancy.

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Well, you know, as long as he fills a slot in the diversity quota, they probably won’t care…

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