A Quiet Revolution is Underway in America

Even before the current recruiting collapse, we were already seeing the results of diversity uber alles in military performance. In a short period of just three months in 2017, there were three warship collisions resulting in 17 deaths. In 2020, there was a fire that resulted in the destruction of the USS Bonhomme Richard, a $750 million navy ship, resulting in 63 injuries.

Dozens of Navy officers (both current and retired) laid the blame for the incidents at the Navy prioritizing diversity training over warfighting capability. Yet, the armed forces are busy eliminating or de-emphasizing meritocratic tests for service in an attempt to “improve” diversity.

It’s not just the military. Whites, as a percentage of medical school students, are well below their population numbers. White college enrollment for 18-24 year-olds has dropped from 43% in 2010 to 38% in 2021, the sharpest drop for any major ethnic group. Enrollment is down particularly sharply among white men, the group that has historically led America’s institutions, having collapsed from just 41% to 33%—an attendance rate far below Asian-Americans and just a couple of points above African-Americans and Hispanics.

Given that SAT Scores are on, average, much higher for whites than either blacks or Hispanics, it is clear that whites make up a hugely disproportionate number of the students qualified for college but not attending.

Discriminated against by race-based preferences in both academia and the workplace, young white men in particular are increasingly dropping out. There has been an almost a continuous drop in white male labor force participation over decades now, a drop sharper than seen in any other ethnic group.

In the mid-twentieth century, American employers began focusing more intensely on objective measures to assess human capital, as standardized tests for everything from college entrance to the military reigned supreme. This differentiation allowed talented people [of all races] from modest social and financial backgrounds to ascend the professional ladder. But, however well intended, the Civil Rights Act and its later interpretations, particularly disparate impact and affirmative action, have ended that brief meritocratic moment. Desperate to balance leadership demographics for political reasons and increasingly unable to game any objective system to reduce white influence further, colleges and even law schools and medical schools are dispensing with standardized tests entirely in the name of “equity”.

Can America’s institutions run as well in the 21st century if white Americans are “quiet quitting” them in despair?

The Obama plan to weaken the United States is still being implemented under the Biden administration.

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I hope those quitting colleges are going instead into vocational training schools and not dropping out of society as drug addicts.
But the lowering of standards - not to mention the ideological poisoning of every subject they teach - will still weaken and destroy us - which is the objective.

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Here’s yet another story of a corrupt black woman mayor:

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It seems there’s no shortage of them!
Fani Willis is another one - so fun to watch her get exposed for her corruption, right in the middle of her bogus case against Trump!!
She, of course, cried “racism and sexism”, too.
Of course, they wave the magic Marxist wand - just as blacks can’t be racist, they can’t be corrupt or incompetent, either! How dare you imply it!

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