A Project of Recapture and Reinvention

[Governor] DeSantis [has] proposed a strategy for reversing the long march through the institutions, beginning with what Marcuse believed was the initial revolutionary institution: the university. The governor appointed a slate of new trustees to the board of the New College of Florida, a notoriously left-wing campus, similar to that of Evergreen State in Olympia, Washington. DeSantis tasked the new board with transforming it into, to quote the governor’s chief of staff, the “Hillsdale of the South”—in other words, a classical liberal arts college that provides a distinctly traditional brand of education and scholarship.
[It] is a project of recapture and reinvention. Conservatives have the opportunity finally to demonstrate an effective countermeasure against the long march through the institutions. The Left’s permanent bureaucracy will be dead-set against this gambit, but if it succeeds, a new era for higher education—and for the country—is possible.

May it succeed!


That would be awesome, if it succeeds!
DeSantis is the first governor I’ve ever heard of who even thought of doing something like this!
He can use this as a testing ground, work out the problems, and if it works, he’ll have a blueprint to do it on a grand scale when he becomes President.

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