A Mysterious Death at Martha's Vineyard

Obama’s young, strong, healthy chef, 6’1", drowned in a very shallow pond, 8’0" at its deepest?

And the call to the police was logged with a blank to show where it came from?

And the police won’t say who was with Chef Campbell when he died?

And the Obama daughters have been flown away from the scene to somewhere?

And Obama has a black eye and a hand in bandages?

And there’s nothing suspicious about the death?


He did not drown!


Yes, its all very suspicious.
Of course it could be coincidence - but the fact that both him and the other chef drowned, and that both worked for traitors with alot to hide, does make you wonder…


Another strange claim is that sniffer dogs found the body underwater.

There is no trail in water for sniffer dogs to follow.

If the autopsy finds that Campbell did not die by drowning, will it be kept secret from the public? We wait to see.


“The biographer [David Garrow] reports that Obama had confided to a former girlfriend that he had sexual fantasies with men. The timing of this revelation comes off the heels of a tragic and bizarre incident at the former president’s estate in Martha’s Vineyard, where his personal chef drowned under mysterious circumstances while paddleboarding.”

So was Barack himself having a sex affair with the - probably murdered - Tafari Campbell?


It sure seems like a good possibility!
It’s not surprising at all that the rumors about Obama (at least according to his former girlfriend)
now turn out to be true. Just like nearly 100% of the “baseless wacko conspiracy theories” about our corrupt politicians and their schemes over the past decades have turned out to be true.

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The results of the autopsy on Tafari Campbell cannot be released to the public by law of the blue state of Massachusetts.

The “female member of staff” who witnessed the “accident” cannot be named.


So, just like all the other mysterious deaths surrounding our leftist overlords, such as Epstein, we’ll never know what actually happened.


Tucker Carlson asserted in a recent interview that “in 2008, it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack”, but the media failed to report on it because the Obama campaign threatened to refuse access to the candidate if they did.

It’s no strain on the brain to believe that Obama was “having sex with men and smoking crack”. But the threat to the media doesn’t make sense. If the media – all or most of them – were refused access to the candidate, an explanation would have had to be given, so the very thing the campaign was trying to keep from the public would have instantly become public knowledge.
The explanation for their silence is much more plausibly that they were passionately for the election of Obama to the presidency.

Was it Obama himself who was having, or trying to have, a sex affair with his chef Tafari Campbell? Did Mr Campbell threaten to tell? Did he demand money in exchange for his silence?

Scandalous possibilities are numerous and rumors will abound unless and until the recognizable truth is told.

I suspect there was no unnameable “female witness” to the chef’s lonely “drowning”.

I suspect the autopsy found no water in his lungs because he was put in the lake after he was killed.


That’s a likely possibility. And it’s another example of how our “Progressive” betters have led the way into the degeneracy the country is now engulfed in.

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There’s also now renewed interest in this book by former Obama friend (and lover?) Larry Sinclair who is mentioned in the American Greatness article above. It came out (pardon the pun) in 2008, but it’s latest reviews at Amazon are from May and August 2023…


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I wonder if the communist Frank Marshall Davis introduced Barry HO to homo-sex when he was a boy. There’s also speculation that Frank was Barry’s real father.


The speculation about Davis being Barack’s father is highly plausible.

But I haven’t heard that Davis was a homosexual or a pedophile. Have you?

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No, I haven’t heard that Davis was either of those.


I can remember reading that Davis was into all kinds of sexual deviancy, so that speculation may not be far-fetched.

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David Garrow, in his book Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, writes about
“Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist pornographer living in Hawaii”.

My emphasis.

The article where I found that is, I think, very interesting:

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Interesting article. What’s hilarious is that these two lefties discussing Obama don’t have a clue why he favored Cuba (a dictatorship that oppressed “progressives”!) and that instead of the Socialist Utopia they were expecting, I suppose, he turned us onto a Gilded Age Oligarchy! Wow, you don’t say!!
How could that possibly have happened?
What they DO get is that Obama is not “normal”.

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