A Limit to Tolerance

What got us here, to this sad and sorry state, is that we were polite for too long. In a misguided sense of misplaced kindness we failed to call it as we saw it. Stupid people, deluded people, and/or malicious people all confronted us with their stupid, deluded and/or malicious nonsense, and instead of telling them to cut the Schiff, we smiled and tolerated it.
We should have told them “No” the first time they opened their yaps.
But Americans are friendly. We don’t like to give offense. We want to live and let live. But we should not have lived and let lived when confronted by these freaks. We should have lived and let these weirdos, losers and mutations have it with both barrels.
Now we have to clean up the mess that has resulted from refusing to set sane limits on what we would tolerate. We allowed them to exploit our indulgence. As a result, our indulgence was totally exploited and our culture is being driven full-speed into a wall.
We need to be intolerant of stupidity, intolerant of delusions, and intolerant of those who want to change our country into a giant college run by the kind of people you avoided when you walked across campus.

Right! When politeness and tolerance are taken advantage of by Commies and Nazis, politeness and tolerance must be set aside and the verbal guns whipped out and fired.


“They seek to undermine the foundations of society in pursuit of some neo- Marxist hell-topia. Old-school Marxists would have none of this…”
I agree with that first part, but I don’t know where he gets the idea that “old school Marxists” were any different.
Marx himself came up with the principle of destroying everything. The commies of every generation since then have been bent on destroying everything.
The idea of destroying gender roles, morality, and the family was clearly their intent in the 60’s, with “women’s liberation”, the “sexual revolution”, and abortion on demand.
And he’s right - because we tolerated all that crap, this is where we are today - with the evil cretins in charge, forcing the insanity down our throats.


Yes, “old-school Marxists” were no less evil than these are.

I think (but am not sure) he meant that the old ones didn’t want to break up families or pretend that a person’s sex could be changed. But there were old Marxists who were against the family and wanted the state to take charge of children from an early age. As for the pretend sex-change, if they had thought of it I guess they’d have been for it.

Still, I like his intolerance of the intolerant “woke”.