A history of the dangers of Gun Control


History is very consistent with examples like this, which prove in every case that the true motive behind disarming any group of people is to take control over them and destroy them.
It’s no different now in the case of the Democrats.


My very good friend Doris Wise runs an organization called Jews Can Shoot, the motto of which is, “Nothing says ‘never again’ like an armed Jew”. Doris was one of my firearms students when I was teaching at our local range. She knows that I am a staunch and unwavering atheist despite my family’s strong Protestant Christian background, but we share an intense hatred of collectivism regardless of what name it goes by: Marxism; communism; socialism; democratic socialism; and perhaps most relevant national socialism (nationalsozialismus, aka nazism). I encourage you to check out her organization’s website:

Homepage | Jews Can Shoot


Thats great! Good for her!