A Country No Longer Worth Fighting For

Rob O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed al Qaeda terrorist Osama bin Laden, blasted the Navy for enlisting a drag queen influencer as a “digital ambassador” to help recruit.
“Alright. The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bullshit,” he tweeted.


The U.S. presence in Afghanistan collapsed in August 2021 amid the greatest American military humiliation in modern history.
A billion-dollar new embassy was abandoned. Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of new infrastructure at the huge Bagram Airbase was dumped.
We still do not know how many billions of dollars of sophisticated new weapons were left to the Taliban and now are making their way through global terrorists’ marts.
Yet, in our skedaddle, the LGBTQ flag still flew high from our new Kabul embassy.
A George Floyd mural was prominent on city streets.
And gender studies programs—to the tune of $787 million in American subsidies—were showcased at Kabul University, in one of the most conservative Islamic countries in the world.
Rainbow flags and Black Lives Matter banners have hung from our embassy in South Korea.
Such partisan cultural activism is a diplomatic first.
The woke Left has now weaponized the country’s diplomatic missions abroad to advance highly partisan and controversial agendas that can offend their hosts, and do not represent the majority of American voters at home.
American foreign policy toward other nations seems now to hinge on their positions on the transgendered, LGBTQ acceptance, abortion, climate change, and an array of woke issues from using multiple pronouns on passports to showcasing transgendered ambassadors.

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If they had wracked their brains to come up with a way to make their recruiting numbers even worse, they couldn’t have done better than this stupidity.
And that’s probably exactly why they did it.
Milley probably took the order straight from Xi!


These emojis state my feelings exactly about the Navy drag queen.
:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

These emojis state my feelings about another Breitbart article on the same page, concerning Maryland’s welcoming invitation to all seeking abortions and child transgender surgery.
:grimacing: :rage:

Delmarva, we need to become an island…


New Mexico has become one, too… :angry:


This is our government’s DOD telling America, “You have lost the cold war.”