To begin with, why would any sane Western scientist—theoretically devoted to Western ideals—allow a dangerous virus to be genetically modified in a Communist laboratory? In what universe would making a bat virus more transmissible to human beings be considered a good thing? Who could possibly argue that U.S taxpayers should actually fund such insanity? If you want to understand my “I don’t know” dilemma, it starts here, because my impulse is to respond: “wait, you’re joking right?”
Triple vaccination might actually increase your chances of becoming symptomatic. Just what kind of a “vaccine” is this? It appears to be doing more harm than good.
The vaccine actually appears to be dangerous, so there is something you’re not telling me.
I continue to believe there is some great, ominous truth we are not being told, or else this deception wouldn’t have been global in its dimension.
Why else would they lie to you shamelessly and then demand your worshipful obedience?
It seems to me the best way to make sure they never succeed remains pretty simple: Tell them to go to hell.
Anybody wanting to release such a virus would have to be confident that they (and the people they value) could be protected from it, so they would have to have a medical treatment ready that they were confident did work (e.g. Ivermectin, HCQ). According to Robert Kennedy Jr, Fauci has been stockpiling HCQ (to prevent its use, but could it be they also wanted to distribute it selectively as well). It could even be that Omicron was released deliberately to control the original virus (that’s obviously very speculative though but the link I shared yesterday to a study suggested that it came from a lab).
It doesn’t matter if the jabs are doing more harm than good, as long as the adverse events only affect a minority, and so the majority can continue to believe they are doing good by being jabbed. Obviously to implement the plan the powers that be must be confident that they can control the media message, but that’s exactly what they have been doing - suppressing concern about the adverse reactions reporting system data. I was struck by the fact even listening to the people (who have been harmed by the jabs) that at least some of them believe the jabs are doing good overall. Dr Campbell is still going strong on Youtube (he has over 2 million followers now), but he still supports the jabs which is the key thing, so it doesn’t matter so much in fact if he talks positively about Ivermectin.
It’s all making more and more sense to me, but I see more signs the plan is unravelling - apparently although 91% have been jabbed at least once, only 64% have had the third jab in the UK (Guardian); it seems to me that belief in the jabs may be waning. This could be good news, but it could also be that we’re about to see a ramp up in the campaign against the unjabbed:
I’m coming to believe that Ernst Wolff is right in that it is primarily the digital-financial complex driving the whole thing (also see my last comment), the objective is [edit] to bring in a digital currency with centralized bank accounts [/edit], the pharmaceutical industry are just being used to these ends (although they are making big short term profits the reputation of big pharma will be heavily damaged longer term). In other words, Fauci is just being used and may well become a “fall guy”.
Imagine you are in the elite, and you have become convinced that there is going to be a financial apocalypse. Such an event could obviously kill off a lot of people, so you are hardly going to worry about a small percentage of people suffering adverse events from a jab, or dying of COVID-19. You might even believe you had a high-minded purpose - those who die are just collateral damage in a sort of war. There are also many suspicions that high ranking people are avoiding the jabs.
Yes, really good questions. Exactly the ones we’ve all been asking, like, why would you pay totalitarian communists who have clear intentions of taking over the world to weaponize a virus?
And yes, there is definitely “some great ominous truth we are not being told, or else this deception wouldn’t have been global in its dimension.”
The global dimension of it is the most telling - and ominous - aspect of it.
Not to mention the fact that the globalists themselves aren’t even hiding their intentions when Klaus Schwab has already written a book about the plan for a global “reset”, and is on record talking about what a great opportunity Covid presents for this!
It appears these sociopathic elites have no more moral compunction about murdering healthy children with the jab than Stalin did about starving millions of people to death.
It was for the greater good!