The Planned Cyber Pandemic

“Ask Edwin Anything: IBM and the Holocaust”

In his New York Times bestselling investigative book, Edwin Black documented how IBM knowingly organized all six phases of Hitler’s Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation—and even extermination. Available in many languages in 190 countries, the exhaustive Pulitzer-submitted work has won here and abroad.

Some shocking claims about IBM made by author Edwin Black, he seems to have significant academic connections, I don’t know if this is all true of course …


I have read in several other places that IBM was involved in helping Hitler during the war, so I’d tend to believe this, also. Very interesting… look forward to reading it!


I have heard Edwin Black’s work discussed on Beck. Yes, IBM helped Hitler in his task.


There is a new word for a separated internet, the “splinternet”, that would certainly help to squash dissent, if dissenters in different countries could no longer communicate online.


There are a lot of these stories floating around, and many of them are true. The Texaco corporate branch in Spain supplied Germany with petroleum products through most of the war. The Swedish corporate branch of the British multinational ICI, supplied Germany with chemicals, including explosives, right up until the US threatened to bomb Stockholm (other Swedish companies were supplying Germany with lots of military equipment).
In the conditions that exist in a major war this should not be surprising.


Thank you for posting this Jeanne. It actually sort of mirrors my comment about the construction industry in Florida. There is clearly a very serious situation developing, and just as clearly the leaders of our society have no clue whatsoever what is happening, and when it hits, will have no clue how to react.
Even a very efficient and industrially skilled society would have difficulty adjusting. Does anybody think our trivial thinking, trinket aquiring society with all its social nonsense can possibly confront and overcome the problems we can clearly see emerging?

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Oh my. From a friend in Florida and a friend right here on the Eastern Shore, comes news that NASA in both locations have one rocket left. They are two of our sites, which send supplies to the International Space Station. Here on the Shore, Wallops sends a rocket every 4 months. They have no idea when another rocket will be available. Apparently, Ukraine makes a lot of the parts for the rockets.


Well, that’s at least one thing that could be said to be in the interest of the US to protect.