Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory -- How the Left might Win in November

I’ll wait on outlining Trump’s flaws. They seem so obvious to me that anything
I say won’t have an impact. And I’d rather argue about what to do now. But
I’ll work on it.

On ‘making a goddess of history’ – I’m not sure what you mean here. We’re intelligent chimpanzees who somehow got the gift of speech/abstract thought, and thus were able to socially, as opposed ot only biologically, evolve, probably, in part, through the same mechanism of natural selection. (Which is why, I believe, marriage is a human universal, despite its reigning in the voracious male sexual drive – societies which didn’t have it, didn’t last.)

But I’m not anthropomorphizing ‘History’. It’s just a metaphor for ‘What Happened’. I think there are general laws to history – we can see an evolution – very slow and uneven – from the ‘primitive communism’ of hunter-gatherers, to settled agriculture and animal herding, to building societies which aer more complex than a loose collection of tribes – based on slavery – and then on, eventually, to the scientific/industrial revolution and the development of politcal structures which accommodated the new bourgeoisie, who supplanted the old landowning class in running society.

And this was when humanity really took off! It was why Karl Marx was so full of praise for the bourgeoisie – they had opened up hitherto undreamed-of vistas of human possibilities.

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Here’s the thing - being concerned about Trump’s flaws is about as pointlessly obsessive as finding a flaw in Melania’s beauty because of a tiny wart on her little toe.
When you look at his achievements - all done while under constant attack every day of every year of his time in office - the flaws are inconsequential.


Right. Everyone has flaws. It’s inexplicable why it is so frequently said that Donald Trump has them. As if he among all other presidents of the US uniquely possessed them.

Actually, I genuinely don’t know what his flaws are so widely believed to be. I have not seen an itemized list of them.


Torquemada, Robespierre, Mao whom you mention in connection with Trump’s “character flaws”, all had the very obvious character flaw of being extremely cruel.

It has not even been alleged against Trump that he is similarly cruel.

So what a really stupid analogy!


I don’t know about Torquemada, whom I believe was motivated by religious fervor. But why do you say Robespiere or Mao were cruel? True, they killed people, but so have plenty of people on our side killed people. Was Pinochet cruel? Maybe some of his underlings, who enjoyed torturing radical college students and raping the girls, before they threw them out of helicopters. But Pinochet was defending Christian civilization… he no doubt saw what he did as necessary for The Cause, just as Robespierre and Mao did. But if you have evidence that these men were personally cruel – did cruel things to people in non-political circumstances – I’d be glad to learn about it.

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Doug - I hate to get personal, but for the sake of your self-respect I’d advise you to stop making remarks that suggest you are a c**t!


You’re either joking, or you’re missing a brain part…


Not to worry. If my views are wrong, refute them with facts.


Facts? Like, maybe, the fact that they knowingly committed genocide?!


Trump’s flaws: cokes, pride, arrogance, insistence on success, hard work, has trouble staying on track when interviewed, doesn’t exercise, doesn’t diet, deeply loves his country, deeply loves his family, flies off with insults sometimes, quick to praise, odd hair, fake tans, determined to make a difference, wants to have America treated fairly and not taken advantage of, don’t think he has pets, intelligent, designates to employees, up very early and hits the floor running, insists that people do their jobs, fires employees that fail to do their jobs or disagree with his plan, doesn’t drink alcohol, doesn’t go along to get along, Teflon raincoat, doesn’t give a fig for what people think, learns from his real mistakes, grandiose, moves and thinks rapidly with brain full of ideas, speaks easily and extemporaneously, polite, sired smart and intelligent and responsible children, sincerely considerate, married intelligent women, and cokes.

Trump was and is the president we need at this time. I hope that DeSantis supports him and succeeds him in 2028. I hope they both encourage more like themselves.

Imagine what America would be like if there had been no pandemic! Imagine what America would be like if the Left had let him be president.


Yes, if the lying, cheating traitors of the Left had all fallen into their own trap somehow back in 16, and had been busy trying to extricate themselves this whole time instead of sabotaging Trump, we’d be in a true Golden Era of American history by now.


You forgot to remind us, Doug, that Hitler was a vegetarian, and he loved dogs.

And the important thing about Osama bin Laden, according to the New York Times, is that he was “an Islamic scholar”.


The thing is, it doesn’t make any difference what I think.
You go to war with the army you’ve got.
Our problem is that we have the troops, and – for the same of argument, the Supreme Commander at the top – but no organization.

When a patriot who has never been politically active gets incensed by the local school teaching her children about the joys of gay sex, and decides to run for the school board … we need an organization that can quickly alert her to the mechanics of how to do it successfully – eg how to write a press release, how to organize a public meeting. We need an organization that can get every patriot in her district, or even state, to send her $5. Ideally, to be able to ‘lend’ her a campaign manager, if only for a few days, someone who knows the tricks of campaigning.

I had an acquaintance of this description in Pennsylvana – but she didn’t get help and advice from experienced people. She went to the school board meeting, and got baited by the Left there, lost her temper, started yelling … and lost the election.

An experienced person would have told her beforehand that this is one of the tricks these bastards use against naive people. If she had been a man they might have tried to provoke a fistfight – anything to make us look like crazies.

A national organization could make a real fuss re. Disney – organizing a serious boycott of it, not just a passive one, but with people signing petitions, etc.

And right now, with less than 90 days left before the election, it could mobilize people to get out and get people on our side registered to vote. There are lots of young people who loathe ‘wokeness’ – but they won’t vote. It’s psychologically harder to do something like that for the first time – once you have registered and voted, you know what’s involved, it takes little effort to get to the polls or fill in a mail-in ballot. But first-time, needs nudging and advice.

But we’re not doing it.

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I’d recommend, “Moms for Liberty”, and others. They are organized, and appear pretty regularly on the “War Room”.


And an artist! Hitler was doing okay by America’s leaders thought processes, as long as he was killing his own. “Foolish man…” E. Izzard


There is a state group in Maryland, which does the same…organizes in counties. In our county, parents connected with them made sure that every board position up for election had a Republican running against the incumbent. Our county’s group is very active.


Thanks! If anyone else has similar links, I would be greateful to know about them.