The Democrats (Biden being Exhibit A) are controlled by the highest bidder, which includes the CCP, Soros, and the big corporations like Blackrock, all of which I think have tentacles in the military-industrial complex.
Here is an accurate description of our present predicament. This is an America not only far different politically from Eisenhower’s of the 1950s, but also dramatically and fearfully different from the New Left that arose in the late 1960s.
The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against—not from—the establishment. Hippies and the Left either attacked institutions or, in Timothy Leary fashion, chose to “turn on, tune in, drop out” from them.
The current revolution is much different—and far more dangerous …
The Left now controls the very institutions of America that it once mocked and attacked—corporate boardrooms, Wall Street, state and local prosecuting attorneys, most big-city governments, the media, the Pentagon, network and most of cable news, professional sports, Hollywood, music, television, K-12 education, and academia.
Please read it all:
Not just the MIC, but the rest of our nation that has become public-private corporations working with what we know as the Deep State to alter the founders carefully crafted handbook for governing a free people with individual rights…and responsibilities.
His warnings were forgotten by the children of the “greatest generation” and ignored by the burgeoning Leftist party. There were others, who warned of the creeping socialist state, but he was our President at the time, still.
It is a “standing army” which the founders warned against, as well. Standing armies answer to the government that funds them, if their leaders choose to stand against the people and the nation that they are to protect.
It is relevant only as much as any other warning from a time when a path is being taken that may well be dangerous. The warning is issued to, hopefully, wake the travelers up to that danger.
Oh, but you write that “it is no longer relevant” despite the fact that we are on now, and have been for decades, that very path towards danger. If only we had heeded his warnings, and the warnings of others throughout recent history, as our government became ever more a powerful presence in all our institutions, thereby gaining more and more control over the people. And now, selling us out to the Global Oligarchy.
All irrelevant, now…
I found it to be interesting, as I had only ever read about the MIC bit that resembled the standing army of which our founders were so worried. If only we had paid attention, but it is the way of “empires” that the people become complacent in their wealth and “easy” times, and gradually give away their responsibilities that protect their liberties. All those dead people, who wrote, spoke, acted to wake us over the decades…and here we are at the last minute with not enough of us awake, but more and more of us hypnotized by the power on this path that will eat us.
But…wait…there is a spark of resistance and it is growing across the nation and may flame up again if we give it the attention that it requires from all of us, who would live under a Constitutional Republic, and that is Hope. I will take that Hope when it is offered by whomever offers it in agreement with those goals to restore America under that standard.
Maybe that makes all the work of those, who warn us throughout our history and before the US even existed…maybe that makes their work relevant.
Yes, it’s different, and far more dangerous than the Left of the 60’s, because they’re in power now.
It’s the same totalitarian Marxist agenda - the only difference is that back then they were working to subvert, undermine, and overtake the system.
Now, they’ve achieved that goal, have taken over, and are imposing that same agenda from their positions of power.
So of course, having power, they’re far more dangerous now. What else did anyone expect?
That’s what Eisenhower and so many others foresaw, and tried to warn us of.